Planet Earth. Europe; Austria, Vienna-Doebling.
Grinzing; Cemetary, Group 28 / Row 9 / Grave 4
Latitude: 48.25466° N (41.7454° South of North Pole)
Longitude: 16.33533° E (3.8431° East of Rome)
We are at the beginning of the third millennium after Christ. The Age of Aquarius has begun, the Long Count of the Mayan calendar has now ended. We know that our universe began 16.4 billion years ago with the Big Bang and will disappear again in 16.4 billion years in the Exit. The peak of its expansion has recently passed, and since then it has been contracting again.
The human race of Homo Sapiens Sapiens now numbers over 8 billion individuals. This expansion will also come to an end shortly. We do not yet know what the end of this human expansion will look like. In any case, we do know that our star, the sun, will swell up into a red giant in 3 billion years and swallow up the inner planets of our solar system. By then at the latest, we will have to have disappeared from here. But the next four hundred years will once again be marked by a decisive change, the change from (north)west to (north)east:
This planet, our Earth, will ultimately have existed only to make “time” measurable. “Time” is always a mathematical measurement, that is, a measurement of relationships. “Time” is the measurement of the relationship between astronomical objects, that is, a physical measurement of the movement of celestial bodies.
A “day” measures the rotation of our planet around itself. The ideal state of our planet at the micro level of these “days” would be if a “day” consisted of 24 (2×12) hours, an hour of 60 (5×12) minutes, and a minute of 60 (5×12) seconds. However, this is not the case in all calendar systems. In some major calendar systems, the day begins at sunrise or sunset. The ideal count at midnight (when the sun is in the Immum Coeli) would result in the “metric” system with one meter per second as the unit of speed (v=1m/s). “Light” can also be defined in this unit. “Light” is the only constant in our universe. This is told from the Bible’s creation story to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity.
On the macro level, a “month” measures the rotation of our moon around our earth. A “year” measures the rotation of our planet, the earth, around our star, the sun. The moon embodies the energy of yin, the sun the energy of yang.
On the macro level of “months” and “years”, we humans measure “time” on our globe in different systems, in “calendars”. The oldest system is the Mayan calendar system from the northwest of the globe, the most common system is the Gregorian calendar of the Roman Catholic Christians from the north center.
There are also many other calendars, the most accurate being the Persian Solar Hijri of the Shiite Muslims, a combination of the solar and lunar calendar of the Shiite Muslims, just like the original Hebrew calendar of the Jewish Israelites. The Julian calendar of the Orthodox Christians is a pure solar calendar, the Arabic Hijri calendar of the Sunni Muslims is a pure lunar calendar. All are calendar systems of the Orient, i.e. the northeast of the world.
The ideal state of our planet on the macro level would be if a “year” had 13 months, a “month” 28 days and therefore a “year” 364 days. Alternatively, a “year” could have 360 days, divided into 12 “months” of 30 days each. However, a “year” of our planet has 365.2422″days”. No calendar system can fully capture this fact. And that is why there is war in the world.
While the Persian Solar-Hijri calendar, a combination of solar and lunar calendars, is the most accurate astronomical (celestial) calendar, the Gregorian calendar, a principled solar calendar, is the most accurate earthly calendar. The Gregorian calendar, which was introduced after the “discovery of America” and the knowledge of the “West”, is based on the exact counting of days (which is not chronological). This calendar is therefore the most widely used in the world. There is no other reason for this than that the counting of its “days” is true.
From this exact truth follows the Enneagram – The Da Vinci Code:
The Enneagram, the Da Vinci Code, can be represented in different ways. In principle, the energy of the days follows the formula E=1/7. From this result of a “week” divided by its seven “days” (1/7=0.142857…) we get the following geometric figure. Here you can see it supplemented by the birthdays of currently prominent politicians from an Austrian perspective:
The Enneagram is the numerological horoscope of our world. Every single day has its own quality of time. This can be calculated using the Da Vinci Code and is visible in the Enneagram. The basis for this is the only undisputed calendar unit in the entire world, the “week” of 7 days. This “irrational” unit has proven itself throughout human history, and any change to this system has always failed. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant defined space and time as the foundations of knowledge. Albert Einstein combined both into the inseparable “spacetime”. However, the measurement of space is just as controversial as the measurement of time. Spoiler: Just as the irrational day count of the Gregorian calendar is true, so is the measurement of space using the Roman meridian. This Roman Meridian, where the “East” and “West” of the world merge like our two brain hemispheres, runs right through the Pantheon in Rome. From this fact, all the rest follows. However, at present, the measurement of space is not made by the Pantheon Meridian, but by the London-Greenwich Meridian. So the world is currently 12.49 degrees out of alignment.
Here in Vienna, the capital of Austria, in the middle of Europe, this smallest “continent” in the northern center of the world, we are just east of Rome, that is, in the northeast of the world. However, due to its geography on the eastern foothills of the Alps, which stretch like a tongue from west to east across the middle of this subcontinent of Eurasia, Vienna is energetically the easternmost foothill of the Western world in the center of “Europe”. Just east of Vienna, the African continental plate and the Eurasian continental plate meet.
This geographical bridging function at the southeastern end of the Germanic language area ensures that Vienna has repeatedly played a decisive role in the history of mankind. When the most brutal wars of the last centuries broke out, the Thirty Years’ War, as well as the First and Second World Wars (which also lasted around thirty years in total), but also during the advances by the Ottoman Empire (the Ottomans wanted to bring Islam to Europe) and the Napoleonic Wars (Napoleon wanted to introduce the “metric” system to Europe), Vienna was always decisive. Vienna was always the deciding factor between war and peace. (And it was always about the basis, that is, the measurement of “time”.)
So how could you better introduce yourself in this context than with Marcel Proust’s questionnaire? So here we go:
1. Where would you like to live?
2. What is perfect earthly happiness for you?
If everything should be as it is.
3. Which mistakes are you most likely to forgive?
The loving ones.
4. What is the greatest misfortune for you?
If nothing should be as it is.
5. Your favourite novel heroes?
Iesus Nazarenus and Mary Magdalene.
6. Your favourite character in history?
Mary Magdalene.
7. Your favourite heroes in real life?
The quiet ones.
8. Your favourite painter?
Van Gogh.
9. Your favourite author?
Shakespeare and Schopenhauer.
10. Your favourite composer?
Mozart in the morning, Beethoven at noon, Bach in the evening. Bruckner under Celibidache.
11. What qualities do you value most in a woman?
Honesty and loving attention.
12. What qualities do you value most in a man?
Honesty and loving attention.
13. Your favourite virtue?
14. Your favourite activity?
Doing nothing.
15. Who or what would you like to be?
Nobody else, unfortunately.
16. Your main character trait?
Inconsistency, like everyone else’s.
17. What do you value most in your friends?
Honesty and loving attention.
18. Your biggest mistake?
Inconsistency, like everyone else’s.
19. Your dream of happiness?
That everything should be as it is.
20. What would be your greatest misfortune?
That nothing should be as it is.
21. What would you like to be?
Nobody else but myself.
22. Your favourite color?
A medium dark blue.
23. Your favourite flower?
The white rose.
24. Your favourite bird?
My own.
25. Your favourite writer?
Thomas Bernhard, my neighbour here in Grinzing.
26. Your favourite poet?
Rilke. David, the Psalmist.
27. Your real-life heroes?
The quiet ones.
28. Your heroines in history?
The quiet ones.
29. Your favourite names?
Hanna Helena and Jakob Julius.
30. What do you detest most?
31. Which historical figures do you detest most?
32. Which reform do you admire most?
The Counter-Reform. Resistance.
33. Which natural gift would you like to possess?
All that I have.
34. How would you like to die?
As God wants.
35. Your current state of mind?
36. Your motto?
“Some day we will all die, Snoopy.” “True, but on all the other days, we will not.”
Wherever you are now, I am here. You know the coordinates. Maybe you will travel to me at some point, maybe you are already here.
Welcome to Vienna! Here the introduction takes place as follows:
“Hello! [TITLE] [LAST NAME]”
“Nice to meet you! Wurm, Peter Wurm.”
“How are you?”
“Thanks for asking. Plus 4.”
“What does that mean?”
“This is my current state on the “How are you” scale from plus 10 to minus 10. (Zero is neutral.) And how are you?”
“Let me think. +/- [NUMBER]. And what do you do?”
“Nothing. And you?”
“I am [TITLE] of [JOB TITLE]. And how do you earn your money?”
“Like everyone else: By taking it away from others.”
“And who are you taking it from?”
“What does that mean?”
“I am my own patron. I don’t need anything any more. I have got everything anyway.”
“And what are your hobbies?”
“Football (passive), Chess (active) and Gynaecology.”
Afterwards you have either lost that person forever or a friend and ally in all eternity.
Once I met Josef Ackermann, the most successful CEO of Deutsche Bank, in front of the Park Hyatt Vienna am Hof in the Inner City. He, a Swiss native from the Heidiland region of Graubünden, had turned this largest German bank into a global institution and had recently retired:
“Good evening, Mr. Ackermann! Did you manage to achieve a 16 percent return?”
“Yes, of course. I even surpassed them. (There followed a quite sophisticated explanation of the principles of this worldwide sensational success.) And who are you?”
“I am the one who pays for your shenanigans. All the best!”
We shook hands, I turned around and walked away.
By the way, I’ve written more then two dozen books meanwhile. Three of them have been published. One of the unpublished ones was titled “Court jester seeks court”.
My other professions were more than two dozen, such as Taxi Driver, Social Pedagogue, Economist, Telecommunications Manager, Petrol Station Tenant, Stone Sculpturer, etc. etc.
Luckily, my father was the one who understood me better than anybody else, except my friends. When we met last time before he died, he told me: “Peter, you’ll gonna be for Economics what Edison was for Technics.”
The reason can be found here:
CU soon!
El Monolito de Viena – · September 30, 2024 at 4:21 pm
[…] Protected: The Vienna Monolith […]
Der Monolith von Wien – · October 8, 2024 at 10:12 am
[…] 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇦🇺🇨🇦 [ENGLISH VERSION] […] - discover the peterwurm universe · October 8, 2024 at 10:35 am
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